Most of the time, it comes to ma mind,
to change myself, for me and for mankind,
I see many faults while looking into mirror,
more than faults they are repetitive errors,
People don’t like me, for what I m,
but I never said that I m a precious gem,
People don’t like to be my friend,
those who are, are just godsend,
They also feel that I m not right,
many times we end up with a strong bullfight,
They have to bear me for rest of their life,
they can not abandon me in a zoo or wildlife,
I always tried my best, never wanted to rest,
though it doesn’t worked out, and created lot of shout,
I m not gonna leave this, as it is,
I will work out with it, in few more days,
Just bear with me, as u have been doing so,
I know I need to grow but I m very slow.